
The History of Sandgate 1823 to 1955

Pamphlett, Parsons and Finnegan


Pamphlett, Parsons and Finnegan

April 15, convicts, Thomas Pamphlet. Richard Parsons and John Finnegan in company of John Thompson, a free man, sailed out of the heads of Sydney Harbour to collect timber from Illawarra to the south, . They were blown off course by a severe storm. Believing they were south of sydney, they travelled north for 21 days. During this time Thomas supposedly died of thirst. The three eventually ran aground at Moreton Island.

Cabbage Tree Creek


Fully explored and clearly marked on a map compiled by Henry Wade

Typhoid came to Brisbane


Typhoid was brought to Brisbane from Britain via the Fortitude.  Sandgate area considered as a possible quarantine for the typhoid patients that came to Brisbane on the Fortitude. It was rejected for various reasons including, no roads and difficult creek crossings.

First Telegraph


In March of this year, the first telegraph was sent from Sandgate through the line following present day Telegraph Road.

First School


Sandgate State School with the original classes held in the chapel of the Baptist Church. The first teacher was W.R. Barfoot.

First classes started in a temporary accommodation at Baptist Chapel.

Cobb and Co


Cobb and Co

Cobb and Co coaches ran twice a week from Brisbane to Sandgate

Sandgate becomes a town


On 29 April 1880, Sandgate was proclaimed a municipality known as the Borough of Sandgate by the governor of Queensland. It was formally a part of Nundah Shire. There were approximately 500 residents in Sandgate at the time.

First Anglican Church

St Nicholas Anglican Church 1973

The new St Nicholas Anglican Church was opened  on 7 December 1880 It was located on the corner of Yundah and Signal Row.

Sandgate Train Station


Sandgate Train Station

On 22 February was the ceremonial laying of the last rail for Sandgate Railway.

April, the first trial run on the Sandgate line. The trip took 29 minutes.

May 11, Brisbane to Sandgate line opened

Original Town Hall


Original Town Hall

The Original Town Hall that was in Kate street burned down 24 May, 1910, after a cinema screening.. It was designed by Richard Gailey and located in Kate St, Shorncliffe.

Sandgate finally got a pier


Sandgate finally got a pier. The Sandgate Pier was built by architect FDG Stanley. In 1883 the Pier was 259m long with bathing houses, caretaker’s cottage and swimming bath fencing. Unfortunately, the length of the pier could not accommodate ferries at low tide.

Humpybong & Sandgate Regatta


The Humpybong and Sandgate Regatta was held at Bramble Bay on the Prince of Wales’ birthday.

The Garnet was a small screw steamer that ran between Brisbane and Humpybong from 1884 to 1900.

The first test of the Pier


The storm in 1887 was the first real
test for the Sandgate Pier. The Pier
survived the storm fairly well, losing
only the steps and the attached
bathing place which washed away
the following Saturday morning.

Baptist Church


The Baptist church on the corner of 1st avenue and Flinders Parade was open on Christmas day. Richard Gailey designed the Baptist church on the corner of Cliff St and Flinders Parade.

The Sandgate Gasworks


The Sandgate Gasworks was opened. It is the third gasworks in Queensland. The others being Charters Towers and Warwick.  Gas supply was originally on the south side of railway line opposite the present railway station. Street lighting was first provided by gas.


Second kiosk


Second kiosk built at Flinders parade slowed down by depressed state of economy. It was built to the same design as the kiosk in Moora Park.

Photo ca 1905

Sandgate Pier Closed


In October the Sandgate Pier company gave notice to the Sandgate Municipal Council that the pier would be closed to the public unless they purchased the Pier. The Pier was closed to the public from the 1st November. The Sandgate Council ask the minister of Lands for assistance to have the Pier reopened or terminate lease. The matter was taken to the Attorney General.

Queensland Investment and Land Mortgage Company offer the pier to the Sandgate Municipal Council for £4000 with 3% interest. Because the lease had only 9 years (1903) left, the offer was refused. Council considered building a new shorter pier in a location that offered deeper water and better fishing.

Council Requests Pier to be Reopened


Sandgate Council request that the Government give them control over the foreshores from the junction of Nundah to Cabbage Tree Creeks. However this request was rejected until the matter with the Sandgate Pier Company is resolved. Sandgate Municipal Council request that the Sandgate Pier Company reopened the pier. The council sought a loan from the Queensland Government to build a new Pier. Sandgate Pier Company thought that it would be best if the council bought the existing pier.

Intercolonial Sailing Races


New Years Day. Queensland Investment and Land Mortgage Company allowed the pier to be open free of charge for the intercolonial sailing races incorporated with the Sandgate Regatta. This marked the beginning of a softer, more conciliatory stance by the Queensland Investment and Land Mortgage Company. After considerable discussions between Sandgate Municipal Council and

Sea View Hotel Arrangement


Sea View Hotel Arrangement

By January, Lingley of the Sea View Hotel had come to some arrangement with the Sandgate Pier Company whereby his guests had free access to the Pier. He also came to an arrangement where excursionists arriving by rail were given a special rate for access to the Pier, Lingley did also allow a priest to take groups of children on evening outings to the Pier free of charge. Lingley was enterprising and made good profits in his first month. Lingley used publicity stunts to draw large numbers to the pier, including inviting

Sandgate Pier Reopened


Government refused the request from the Sandgate Municipal Council to purchase the pier, but offered to lend the council money to buy it. The Government also offered to do a full survey of the pier structure. In February the Queensland Investment and Land Mortgage Company accept £1500 for the pier. By the April council meeting the Sandgate Municipal Council is still not in agreement about purchasing the pier. By 6 June the price was £1250 December the

Prince of Wales Birthday


Prince of Wales Birthday holiday in November saw large crown on the pier, despite the price of admission being three times more than when the Sandgate Pier Company kept it open. December, Sandgate Town Band gave a promenade concert in the week leading up to Christmas.

Council Repair Offer


In November the Government offer to give the council money to buy the pier so long as the Sandgate Municipal Council put the pier in a proper state of repair. The Government agree to lend the money at 4% with long terms. The Sandgate Council want the government to give them the pier fully restored and do not agree to the Government terms.

Sandgate Pier Restricted


The Sandgate Pier is restricted to bona fide
Seaview Hotel borders.

Lingley’s Lease Expires


In February, Lingley’s lease expires.
The Queensland Government is willing
to hand the Pier to the Sandgate Town
Council free of charge but the council
have to undertake approximately £1000
worth of necessary repairs. The council
want the government to also repair the
pier. The Government is only prepared
to loan the money for the repair.
In April, a heated meeting is held by
the Sandgate Municipal Council. The
outcome of the meeting wsa that the
council decided that they did not need a
This setback prompted the Sandgate
Progress Association to be formed
which aimed at placing pressure on the
Council to agree to the Government’s
By June, the Sandgate Municipal
Council decide to accept the
Government offer without conditions.

Council Plans Repairs


Early 1904 Council planning repairs so that they can call tenders for lease. May, By-law whereby entrance price is 1 penny between 5am and 11pm, sixpence per dozen tickets and  double the entrance fee after 11pm 24 September, Official reopening ceremony for Pier on completion of repairs and refurbishments. Mr Davis became the lessee. The first of the weekly promenade concerts took place on the pier.

Fishing & Swimming Contests


Entertainment at the pier included fishing and swimming contests as well as Saturday night concerts on the pier Gas was installed onto the pier

Ferry Begins


Ferry Begins

The steam ferry Olivine was bought by the Humpybong Steamship Co for use between between Sandgate Pier and Woody Point Jetty.

Humpybong Steamship Company 5 Year Lease


Humpybong Steamship Company 5 Year Lease

5 year lease was been granted to the Humpybong Steamship Company. The Humpybong Steamship Company make plans to make the Pier a Pleasure Resort. The buildings connected to the jetty were renovated and new furnishings installed throughout. The company proposes showing movies at least two nights a week during summer months.

Pier Partially Closed


Pier partially closed from Christmas 1925. Lesser receive losses and won application to have reduced rent. Offered £85 pounds

Sandgate Pier in Bad State


The Sandgate Pier is in a bad state. The Brisbane City Council has not done work on it for financial reasons. As a solution, the Sandgate Progress Association suggest that a syndicate lease the pier for a period of time, perhaps 20 years. Mixed bathing began at Sandgate Pier. The men’s bathing area was used.

Sandgate Pier leased to Messrs


Sandgate Pier has been leased to Messrs. Newton and Wakefield at a rental of £300 annually for 5 years from 17 July 1928 to 1933. This included the Kiosk December report, Pier re-decked by Brisbane City Council at a cost of £3000. Propose to bitumen the top of planks at a later stage. Cottage at entrance of Pier sold and been demolished.

New Kiosk


New Kiosk

New kiosk was built over cliff in front of pier. Brick and stucco. Catered for needs of picnickers. Kiosk at ground level. Downstairs served drinks, ice-cream, lollies and boiling water. Included dance floor below building on beachfront. Main kiosk used for weddings, birthdays, and civic activities and functions. Forced to close post second world war with lower patronage. Building neglected and vandalised. Demolished in 1974.

5-Mile Swim


10 April – Peter McMillan at the age of 18 swims between Woody Point and Sandgate Pier on Monday, Said to be the first attempt to do an open water swim in Queensland. He broke the Sandgate freestyle record for one mile by 1 min. His time was  25min,

Sandgate Becomes Start of Race


Sandgate Pier becomes the start of Brisbane to Gladstone yacht race which started in 1949 at Woody Point.