Become a Member
Be an active member and expand your knowledge, learn new skills or put old skills to good use and enjoy the company of others of like mind.
- Membership fees for 2025 are due in April.
Single: $20 Family: $30
Payment options: by card or cash at the museum or by direct debit.
(BSB: 084 365 Account: 52 501 9521)
(Please use your name in the Description or Reference in the Direct Debit details.)
Additional Benefits:
- Unlimited admissions to the museum
- Regular newsletters
- Invitations to Museum events
- Discounts on historic walks, museum talks, social events, merchandise and museum publications
- Participation in the acquisition, recording and display of historical information and the museum collection
- Being a part of the research endeavour that is the life blood of all history groups
- A voice in the continuing development and management of the museum
- Voting rights at the Annual General Meetings.