Sandgate & District
Society & Museum
Wednesday: 9:00 am – 1:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am – 1:30 pm
Entrance fees: $5.00 adults and $3.00 children
(07) 3869 2283
We are a registered charity and rely on community support.
Tax-deductible donation, can be made by
card or cash at the museum
or by direct debit to:
BSB: 084 365 Account: 52 501 9521
(For direct debit, please use your surname & initials as a reference)
The historic Shorncliffe Pier was dismantled 10 years ago to make way for a new pier, with the old wood retained by Brisbane City Council.
The mayor promised a “piece of the pier” to 17 community groups throughout Brisbane to use in creative ways to honour its history.
Sandgate and Bracken Ridge Action Group Inc (SANDBAG), a community centre housing social enterprise group Seed in Sandgate, was one of the groups awarded with the timber.
Working with craftsmen they used the recycled items to make benches which were sold to the Sandgate community.
Each of the pieces holds an embellished copper plaque to remind people of the history of the pier – a perfect memento of Queensland heritage.
Photo: Jessica Hinchliffe
150 Rainbow Street
SANDGATE Q Australia 4017
The Shorncliffe station renewal project and accessibility upgrade is well underway. Queensland Rail recently released a tender to refurbish the almost 130-year-old station, with works to commence in 2025.
More than 400 objects of heritage significance were discovered in the subfloor of the old station building, including train tickets, clothing, newspaper and bottles – some dating back to the 1890s. A 1940s sailor’s cap, unearthed in the dig, was even reunited with its owner’s family seven-decades later. Photos courtesy of Queensland Rail.
More information can be found at:…/shorncliffe-station…